Near enough is not good enough.

– Primary School motto

Something about Beng

Beng's school principal drilled that motto into him since his first day of primary school. He did not quite understand its significance at that time as all he wanted to do was play and build castles in the air. Even though his primary school is now long gone, its spirit still remains. 

These days, Beng still loves building castles in the air and has managed to realise a career in advertising and design, allowing him to flex his creative muscles and pick up some awards along the way.

He is a versatile art director who has worked on a range of accounts, from Fashion & Lifestyle to FMCG & Financial. Drawing inspiration from everyday life, Beng seeks continuously to hone his creative sensibilities. You can catch him in a museum, furniture store or chilling over coffee on his days off. Recently he has been dabbling with leathercraft as well as designing merchandise on Threadless.

He is also an avid runner and has completed several marathons.